Lori Butts, JD, PhD is the CEO of the Clinical & Forensic Institute (CFI) with offices in South Florida. Dr. Butts currently serves on the American Psychological Association’s Council of Representatives on behalf of the Florida Psychological Association. Dr. Butts was a member of the Committee on Legal Issues (COLI) from 2011 through 2013. After her COLI service was completed, Dr. Butts was the President-Elect, President, and Past-President of the Florida Psychological Association (FPA) from 2014 through 2016. She had previously served as the President of the Forensic Division of FPA and as the Co-Chair of Legislative Affairs and Public Policy Board. She has been recognized as a Distinguished Psychologist for her dedication and service to the profession of psychology by FPA. In 2016, she was recognized as the “Mental Health Professional of the Year” by the Broward County Crime Commission. Dr. Butts serves on the Board of the Non-Profit organization, Different Brains and also co-hosts a podcast called, Spectrumly Speaking, which is produced by Different Brains. Different Brains strives to encourage understanding & acceptance of individuals who have variations in brain function and social behaviors known as neurodiversity.
After graduating from Clemson University with Honors, Dr. Butts received her law and doctoral psychology degrees from the innovative jointly sponsored program by Villanova School of Law and MCP Hahnemann University Department of Clinical Psychology. Dr. Butts completed her internship in clinical and forensic psychology at New York University School of Medicine, Bellevue Hospital, and Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, She fulfilled her residency requirements at CFI where she was trained by Dr. John A. Spencer. Dr. Butts is licensed to practice psychology in Colorado and Florida and is a member of the Florida Bar.